Duke and Diva

Posted by ahankins on February 16, 2015

We always love hearing how our tools are helping libraries and archives, even if they’re not being used specifically for music analysis. Our Diva.js image viewer is one of our flagship projects, and we’re excited to see what the folks at Duke University Libraries have been doing with Diva.

The David M. Rubinstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library has been engaged in a project to digitize their collection of early Greek manuscripts dating from the 9th to 17th centuries. Each book is captured at a very high resolution. They then convert their digitized images to the Pyramid TIFF format, and present them online. By the end of 2015 they are hoping to have all 106 of their Early Manuscripts Collection digitized and available online.

Detail from a New Testament Gospel, Duke University Digital Collections

Detail from a New Testament Gospel, Duke University Digital Collections

Additionally, they have significant documents like a manuscript copy of the Haitian Declaration of Independence available for close scrutiny.

They’ve even figured out a way to provide document views embedded in a webpage, so that their library collections can be embedded in blog posts around the web!